What is Romance/Love all about

I want to broach on the subject of romance a little bit. I want to talk about it, explore it, and know what it means to be romantically involved with another person. Does your body have to respond a certain way? Or are you just calm and sure about what you want? Is it about dates or outings or getting to know one another? What does it mean to be romantic? Are you in a kind of love dance? What is it? What should it be? What does it entail? Is it another name for love? Or perhaps a relative of love? Can one be without the other or are they both needed for two humans to come together in matrimony? Romance.......what exactly does it entail? Why are two people who have chosen to come together said to be romantically involved? Why not lovingly involved? From what I have gathered from Merriam Webster, the word romance derives from the old French vernacular Romanus, meaning rome or roman. This word was often used to narrate the chronicle adventures of knight...