Who Are We?

God is goodness personified, Love manifested. Therefore, since He is love and goodness, He wants the best for us and He will choose and do the best for us. He will Exceed our expectations. He will put us in situations that will make us grow and become the people He knows we can be. The people He created us to be. Exactly where you are, is where you are supposed to be, unless you refuse His will… As committed believers, God is supposed to take care of everything. Absolutely everything!! For example, in marriage, in choosing who we'll get married to, He decides it all. The who, the how, the where, and the when. And when He decides and picks for us, we will realize we got the best choice possible. It's the devil that puts fear in us, which prevents us from letting God choose and so we start doing things that the world does, like shooting our shots because our biological clocks are ticking, or we fear not being attached to someone else or chosen. Here is...