Change: A force to be reckoned with

Change mocks us with her beauty, she plays with our emotions and she leads us astray. First, it starts with a kiss and a hug and you think, 'this is what I need'. Then the process of letting change in begins. Things happen but they never happen the way we expect them to. You become sceptical, unsure, pining for the old, the past; where life was comfortable and known. Craving to return but unable to return, feeling unstable. You have to face her, you have to accept her into your embrace while remembering that God has you. His ways are not your ways and His thoughts are not your thoughts, they are higher. There are two sides to change. The first side is the normal side, the side that is inevitable but yet unpredictable. The side people look forward to but yet at the same time sometimes dread. The surprising and shocking side, the slow and fast side, the beautiful and yet ugly side. The second side is the artificial side... Oh, so we think! I say artificial be...