
The best place you can be in is acceptance. Acceptance of where your life is heading. Acceptance of your age. Acceptance of what you haven't accomplished and what you have. Acceptance of the fact that time doesn't seem to be on your side and despite time not being on your side, God makes everything beautiful in His. Acceptance of the place you are in now, and not trying to speed things up and enjoying every minute of it. Acceptance of your plans not going the way you hoped. Honestly, if life happened the way we expected it to, we would be bored. A little mystery should be welcomed now and then. How many of us can say we truly enjoy the present? How many of us can say we took time to live in it. We are always a little too late. Once it passes us by, we begin to miss it and have regrets. That's why it's called the past. We wait for it to pass us before we begin to appreciate it. Acceptance is the tool we need to fully live our lives and fully engaged with ourselves eve...