Living in Your Prayer

The reason why we don't get answers is that we don't live in our prayers, we live outside of them. It was at work that I heard a colleague say that Nigerians are the most prayerful people in the world, yet the country hasn't changed and we are still suffering. This made me ponder… So I asked God whether it was because we were not praying according to His will but that was not it. It is because of how we live. We live outside our prayers. The same way we behave and speak in prayer is the same way we should be when we aren’t praying. You see, Nigerians may be asking for God to make Nigeria great, but the minute they are done praying, and something bad happens in the country, they begin to curse the nation and the government and the people in it, forgetting what they prayed for. This leads to answers not coming and miracles canceled because of the negativity spoken daily. In my blog about “ How to stop damaging your Life ”, I spoke about how we create what we speak,...