The Purpose of Becoming

HaVe YoU fOuNd YoUr TaLeNt YeT? I remember when I was first told that we all have a talent because talents are gifts that we are born with, given by God. For the longest time, I struggled to know what my talent was. At first, I settled for singing because I knew how to and because I was in a choir. Yet for some reason, I was not satisfied, I wanted more. I wanted something that would change the way people saw me. In the process of not being satisfied with my singing, I lost the ability to sing... well somewhat. Nevertheless, that was okay because I felt that, that was not for me. Though I enjoyed the occasional exercising of the throat, I felt that singing was not the talent I needed to impact the world or at least the community around me. I later in life realized how amazing and powerful singing could be when done with passion and determination, but by then my singing voice had been overused and under-trained. At this point, I...