
Showing posts from September 13, 2020

Is Christianity a place or the name of a religion?

Have you ever wondered about Christianity and what it entails? Is it the name of a religion or type of faith? What is expected of us Christians who are determined to please God at all costs? Christianity is not hard when we are focused. When our gaze starts to shift from God to the world, that is when things become hard.  I remember two years ago when I was lying in bed and decided to ask God a question.  I asked Him about Christianity and what it entails. This is what I received......  Christianity is like a place, a country, and its citizens are called Christians.  It is similar to any other country like America, Nigeria, or France.  To get to the place, you need the appropriate documents such as a visa and a plane ticket that will grant you passage. The visa and plane ticket represent your salvation.  Once these documents have been obtained, your journey to the land of Christianity begins.   When you get to the place, you realize that you are f...

The fault is in Us

Shakespeare was right when he said that the fault is not in our stars but in us. The fault is indeed in us.  We are the problem.  And instead of us taking responsibility for our own actions, we choose to shift that responsibility to "fate".  An invincible force that supposedly determines the steps of human life..   This is what we refer to as our stars!  I believe in God and I believe He directs our steps when we choose His will and His way.  But most times, we tend to use the concept of free will to argue ourselves out of holes we used our own hands to dig ourselves into.   Look at the children of today! They are growing up with no role models, protection, or direction.  They are growing up in a world that has been perverted.  A world where some people want to consider pedophilia as a sexual trait instead of a crime.  Free will and the freedom to do as one pleases has been taken so much out of context, that people commit crime...