
Showing posts with the label Quotes

TAg YOu ARe It

  TAg you're it Tag you are it You never really think it will happen to you until it does.  You never really think you'll be tagged until you are the embodiment of it. Until then, you think you are special. A superhuman. Untouchable.  Immune to it's deadly charm and destruction. Then one day, you taste its kiss and realize… Oh crap! TAG I AM IT! I was it and I don't plan on being it anymore.  Disclaimer: this can be about covid, cancer or anything you want it to be. It can be about a bad situation you once found yourself in. It's up to the reader to decide. 

And Then it Happens....

  And then it happens... As you walk into your purpose after seeking it for an eternity or what seems like an eternity. Keeping your head up and your eyes on God, loving His presence and His most welcomed company.  You meet him or her unexpectedly!  When you are off guard, in your own space and your eyes are to the Almighty. Searching for the next step to take towards the path that has been created for you.  As you look down and forward, there he or she will be.  Found and looking back at you!  And from your space to their space, you both will enter a space created specifically for your journey.  Hand in hand waiting on Christ.  That is how it will all begin.- Kayinsola

The Romance no one speaks of

Singleness is a romance between you, yourself, and God. There is something electric about it. I can't explain it.  Just waking up every day in the presence of God is something I have always craved for. Now that I am at this place, it is so so unreal and yet so terribly amazing! I love it here❤️ -  Kayinsola

True repentance

  True repentance brings you to a place of deliverance and healing. Of wholeness and longing. Of growth and becoming. True repentance brings you to a place of freedom and peace. Of acceptance and completeness. Of sacrifice and yet blessings. True repentance brings you to a place of eyes being opened, ears being opened and communication with Christ.  True repentance brings you to a place of love, answered prayers and unity with Christ. And taking a complete 180 degree turn away from sin and towards Christ Jesus.  - By Robor.M


 "I love destinies! It is amazing how God can use one door to bring about many opportunities and possibilities.  Trust in the destiny God has for you." - By Kayinsola 


 "Confidence is the best form of beauty. The minute you become confident, you become unstoppable. Embrace everything that you are and meant to be.". - Robor. M

Why try to be someone you are not?!

 "If you cannot fully be yourself without the contemplation of your race and what people think, you are shortchanging yourself.  And you are missing out on something that could be absolutely beautiful and worthwhile." - Robor. M                    

Silence is the best answer for a fool

"You can earn respect by simply keeping quiet and not having to explain or prove yourself. People will know you by your fruits. I did not know how important and deadly silence was until I had to use it."   - By Kayinsola


 "Peculiarity isn't about finding another way to think outside the box. It is about creating a new box for yourself. A box designed by God Himself". - By Kayinsola