I do believe in fairytales

I do believe in fairytales! I am a great believer, but not because of snow-white or Cinderella or Mulan or sleeping beauty. I believe not because of the love stories I have read, heard or seen. I believe not because of the fact that I love the idea of being optimistic. I believe because there's something bigger than me, than every one of us. I believe because all my life I have been carried by grace. I believe because He made the blind to see and the lame to walk. I believe because I have tasted God's goodness. I believe because He can make or bring something out of nothing. I believe because He can take something broken and shattered and hopeless and make it whole again. I believe because I hear His voice. I believe in fairytales because of my testimony. I believe because of the miracles I have seen, heard and experienced... I do believe in fairytales because of the God of possibilities that has chosen to show me that He is real. Fairytales are not just about love stories an...