I love you! Not because I'm looking to be loved or I feel unloved. I love you... I love you. Not to be treated as a queen and doted upon. I love you not because I can't find love. I love you not because you are willing. I love you because I once felt alone, despite the people that surrounded me. I love you because I once felt unloved despite the words of affirmation I received. I love you because of the love I began to experience and feel once I knew what it meant to love. I love you because love showed me, love. And in love, I learned to love It broke the walls that I had erected around me to protect myself and showed me another way to feel safe. Another kind of protection. I didn't know I could be protected in the warm embrace of love. I didn't know I would find strength in love. I didn't know that through love I would find myself. But I did and because of that, I love you. Because by accepting love, love personified, love from Christ, Agape love. I knew what ...