Change: A force to be reckoned with

Change mocks us with her beauty, she plays with our emotions and she leads us astray. First, it starts with a kiss and a hug and you think, 'this is what I need'. 
Then the process of letting change in begins.  Things happen but they never happen the way we expect them to. 

You become sceptical, unsure, pining for the old, the past; where life was comfortable and known. Craving to return but unable to return, feeling unstable. 

You have to face her, you have to accept her into your embrace while remembering that God has you. His ways are not your ways and His thoughts are not your thoughts, they are higher.

There are two sides to change. The first side is the normal side, the side that is inevitable but yet unpredictable. The side people look forward to but yet at the same time sometimes dread. The surprising and shocking side, the slow and fast side, the beautiful and yet ugly side.

The second side is the artificial side... Oh, so we think! I say artificial because we drive change on this side.  We manipulate circumstances and situations to occur for change to take place, but the question is... Who manipulates us towards such outcomes? God? The devil? 

The second side of change is the side we "fight for". The side most people in society want; the pulling down of the patriarchal side, the black lives matter side, the women's right side, the political and religious side, the economical and social side, the racial and gender side.

It can be both beautiful and damaging. Two sides to the same coin; both normal and abnormal, natural and unnatural.

Change is both complicated and understanding. It is revolutionary when it wants to be, a force to be reckoned with; a necessary evil and good. 

It is everything we need and nothing we want. It is opposing, agreeable, opening, realising, renewing. Growth requires change but some things are better without the need for change and some things require it. 

It is the only normalcy and constant in our lives. How we choose to embrace change, will determine everything that happens after that. However, choosing what to embrace is the catalyst for life.


  1. Profound. Life itself is full of changes from inception to death because of old age


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