I love you! 

Not because I'm looking to be loved or I feel unloved.

I love you... I love you.

Not to be treated as a queen and doted upon.

I love you not because I can't find love.

I love you not because you are willing.

I love you because I once felt alone,

despite the people that surrounded me.

I love you because I once felt unloved despite the words of affirmation I received.

I love you because of the love I began to experience and feel once I knew what it meant to love.

I love you because love showed me, love.

And in love, I learned to love

It broke the walls that I had erected around me to protect myself and showed me another way to feel safe.

Another kind of protection.

I didn't know I could be protected in the warm embrace of love.

I didn't know I would find strength in love.

I didn't know that through love I would find myself.

But I did and because of that, I love you.

Because by accepting love,

love personified,

love from Christ,

Agape love.

I knew what it meant to be loved and to love.

And by knowing, I opened the door to loving myself and others.

Not the selfish kind but the selfless kind.

The one Christ showed me.

I love you because even in my state of loneliness and bitterness 

I felt the arms of love around me, holding me tight til I was okay.

Till I found a way out of my turmoil of insanity and lack thereof.

I love you because by learning to accept love, I learned to accept me, and now I have so much love that all I know to do is to give that love to you.

Without love I am nothing

My purpose is pointless

My existence is wasted

So I love you

I love you 

I love you.

And maybe one day you will learn to love someone else just as much as I love you and Christ has always loved you.

I love you

Because you are deserving of love and I have so much of it to give.


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