Who Are We?

God is goodness personified, Love manifested. Therefore, since He is love and goodness,  He wants the best for us and He will choose and do the best for us.  

He will Exceed our expectations.

He will put us in situations that will make us grow and become the people He knows we can be. The people He created us to be.

Exactly where you are, is where you are supposed to be, unless you refuse His will… 

As committed believers, God is supposed to take care of everything. Absolutely everything!!  For example, in marriage, in choosing who we'll get married to,  He decides it all. The who, the how, the where, and the when. And when He decides and picks for us, we will realize we got the best choice possible. 

It's the devil that puts fear in us, which prevents us from letting God choose and so we start doing things that the world does, like shooting our shots because our biological clocks are ticking, or we fear not being attached to someone else or chosen.

Here is the thing, we serve the author of time... So why worry? He created all things, and in Him, all things consist... So why worry? Adam didn't even know he was alone or he needed a wife because he had God and he was whole with God and content. It was God's idea that Adam have a wife. So God formed Eve for Adam and brought Eve to Adam. Adam didn't go looking for Eve! It was solely God's idea.

So why worry?

Adam was amid purpose, surrounded by riches and abundance. In a place of fulfilment, when Eve was formed and brought to Him to be his helper. 

Society tends to see the word helper as a derogatory word but it's not. We need helpers in our lives; the Holy Spirit is our helper. He was sent by Jesus to help us through life, without the Holy Spirit, life is hard.

Without the Holy Spirit, life is impossible(for me anyway). We are only more than conquerors with the Holy Spirit, not without.

Let's stop taking the ideologies of the world to explain Christianity because it's quite impossible!  This is why so many Christians fail and leave the faith because they take the thinking of simpletons(man) to explain the thinking of God.

God who created the world with just words and man who still fails to grasp the understanding of the power of words and what it does to us and our environments. We tend to think spiritual blessings are less than physical blessings but they are much more. They transcend us between two realms, the vibration of two frequencies. More in the realm of God than in the realm of man.

We have been called to be peculiar but we are too ordinary and label peculiarity as eccentric. We weren't created to be normal or to fit into the box of normalcy but we choose normalcy for comfort and fear of cancellation. Who are we then, if not a people of God?


  1. Is this for Christians or anyone. Also, where you are is where you are supposed to be?.

    1. For Christians. Where you are is only where you are supposed to be if it is God leading your life. Remember the Bible says the children of disobedient are lead by the devil. So if you are living in the will of God then you are led by God and everything happening, is happening according to God's design. So where you are is where you are meant to be.


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