"Often times, it's our present self that fails us, while our future self is fighting to save us".

 It is who God says you are that matters...

As I write this,  I'm finding it hard to grasp what I just wrote. We are humans, so we crave human approval even though subconsciously we know that what people think of us should not be important. Our thoughts of ourselves determine what we become.

The bible says as a man thinketh so is he; If you think you are intelligent, you'll become intelligent, if you think you are excellent you'll become excellent. Even if you are in an environment where you are belittled and told the opposite of what you have chosen to believe in yourself.

It takes strength and courage to not allow your mind and thoughts to be deceived and influenced by the words of others.

Just because you are not performing in one place, doesn't mean you won't perform in another.  It takes courage and capability to realise who you are and who God created you to be.

Become the woman/man you were created to be and do not remain the person you are now.  Oftentimes, it's our present self that fails us, while our future self is fighting to save us. 

If we don't let our future self in, will end up in a state of hopelessness and depression. This brings me to the story of David and how his journey to being king began.

He was belittled and thought little of.  In fact, he wasn't thought of at all.  Even his own father did not think much of him as he was seen as just a shepherd. Yet, he was the one God chose to lead Israel. In his process of becoming, he became one of the greatest kings to ever rule Israel. And because of him, his family remained blessed despite their shortcomings.

You see, God did not rely on the report of others to determine who would be great and excellent for Isreal. He looked at the heart of David, which no one else could see. And he looked at his intelligence, which no one else could fathom. 

It is not what others say, think or believe about you that matters.  It is what God believes, and what he sees, and what he thinks about you that matters. It was written from the start, and in the stars and in your future, who you are and who you will become. 

Your future self knows it, let it save you.  Don't let the devil use your present self to derail you, and catch up to what God sees, despite all shortcomings and setbacks and hold on to what He believes.

You may not believe it yet, but confessing it daily will get you there. As I write this, I'm also struggling to come to terms with this realisation. Hold on to the confessions of who God has said you are and you'll see yourself rise to the occasion. 

David did not depend on the thoughts or sayings of others, neither did he care. Despite all odds, he rose to who he believed he was. He rose to who God told him he was and was created to be.


  1. "you're future self knows,.. Let it save you".
    You are how God sees you not how other people see you.


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