God's Magnificent Love towards us

I think 🤔 one of the most important things I have learnt in life is God's magnificent love towards us. 

I don't mean feeling or knowing He loves us, but understanding and having knowledge of His love towards us. 

I have always struggled with faith and struggled with accepting where I am and where God has taken me.   I have always complained about this and that, never satisfied with what I have and what God has given me.

Never wondering if there are lessons to be learned in all these and reasons for God doing what He is doing.

Nevertheless,  when I began to gain knowledge and understanding of God's love, it led me to a better understanding of faith and who God is.

I mean His love is so pure and so true that His thoughts towards us are of good not of evil to bring us to an expected end! 

EXPECTED NOT UNEXPECTED! Meaning an end that is going to happen.

When we have an understanding and knowledge of the love God has for us, we can trust Him and have complete faith in Him.

He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son so that we may have a chance at everlasting life. He didn't have to but He chose to, He chose us.

As your knowledge and understanding of God's love grow more, your faith is affected and it goes beyond that of a mustard seed. You can tap into the same measure of faith as Christ when He came down as a man.

Despite ourselves and our shortcomings, His love never fails or falters

After gaining knowledge of His love, you realize that as long as He is with you, there is nothing you cannot do, because with God all things are possible.

You realize that there is nothing that will harm you because He keeps His angels charged over you. 

You realize that you are not alone because He is omnipresent and He fills the heavens and the earth and nothing can be hidden from Him.

You realize that you lack nothing because in Him all things consist and when you seek Him first, all things are added onto you, provided that your heart is in the right place.

Afterwards, I began to understand that His love goes beyond Human love; the love parents have for their children, love between friends, love between siblings and love between lovers... 

I also understood why we tend not to trust God fully... We cannot comprehend the love that God has for us because it is something so unimaginable and yet so pure and so real.

God's love is extremely magnificent!

"If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him....."

Mathew 7:11

Take a chance on God's love!!!

You will not be disappointed and it will not fail you. 


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for this important and deep reminder!

  2. This is so beautiful... to understand God’s love is to understand his heart for us

    1. It's and it gives us a better understanding of the things He takes us through

  3. Awww, amazing post! It is so beautiful how God loves us..


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