Living in Your Prayer

The reason why we don't get answers is that we don't live in our prayers, we live outside of them.

It was at work that I heard a colleague say that Nigerians are the most prayerful people in the world, yet the country hasn't changed and we are still suffering.

This made me ponder…

So I asked God whether it was because we were not praying according to His will but that was not it.

It is because of how we live.  We live outside our prayers. The same way we behave and speak in prayer is the same way we should be when we aren’t praying. 

You see,  Nigerians may be asking for God to make Nigeria great, but the minute they are done praying, and something bad happens in the country, they begin to curse the nation and the government and the people in it, forgetting what they prayed for.

This leads to answers not coming and miracles canceled because of the negativity spoken daily.  In my blog about “How to stop damaging your Life”, I spoke about how we create what we speak, and we truly do. We are the masters of our destinies.

The power of life and death lies in the tongue.  What we say determines how our environment will react.

What we pray for must align with what we say and how we live.  If you pray for healing, act healed, and continually speak the words of God over the sickness until it happens.

If you have been believing God for a job, thank Him for that job and behave as though it is already yours and that God has given it to you. 

Speak God's words over the situation until it is yours. Don't act contrary to what you have prayed for. Live in the words you have spoken to God not outside of it.

Believing is not by saying but by doing and living it. If we are constantly in a state of prayer and faith, regardless of what is going on, we would begin to see mountains move and fig trees dry up, and unimaginable miracles. 

Let us begin to cultivate the habit of living in our prayers and not outside of them. We are what we believe. 



  1. However, when Jesus prayed and healed, it was instant. Could it be our level of faith that is making us rationalize and pray till it or if it happens? Just pondering

    1. In the bible there's a scripture that says when the son of God returns would He find faith?. So one of the journeys we go through is the refinement journey to get to the persons God created us to be and prevent what happened with Lucifer to happen with us. So in order to prevent this, we go through trials and tribulations. God actually answers our prayers immediately but then what happens is that the devil (the accuser of brethren) swoops in to prevent the answers from coming by saying we are not worthy of it and that we will turn our backs on God if the slightest bad thing happens to us. So God stands back to see our reaction. To see if we will remain faithful or we don't. The story of Job gives a good description. What then happens is that our reactions determines God's response. God hates murmuring so when we murmur we don't get the answers. However, when we are in constant praise and thanksgiving regardless of the situation, we begin to see the prayers manifest in our lives because God inhabits the praises of His people and He is pleased when we praise Him because it is evident of our faith. And without faith it is impossible to please God. God is more concerned about us and saving our souls. So He allows the devil to torment us to see if we can really be like Jesus and resist Him. The devil flees but He only flees for a season not forever.

      But when we continue to cultivate the principles of Jesus in our lives, we get to a point where we can receive immediately as Jesus did. Jesus never complained and was always at peace. He had an intimate relationship with the father. Most Christian don't even have an intimate relationship with God or live under His will but still want to benefit like Jesus did. The question is... are you willing to live like Jesus to get to the place of Jesus. The problem is, when we tend not to get our way we speak negatively of the situation and we end up sending traps for ourselves with our words .

  2. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do (James 1:6-8).


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