Reassuring Your Focus.


"It is better to believe than to disbelieve. In doing so, you bring everything to the realm of possibility" - Albert Einstein

I'm sure we all know about the story of Peter walking on water. For those who don't know, he was on the boat with the other disciples when he saw Jesus walking on water and called out to Him, and Jesus told him to come.

The minute Jesus called Peter, Peter left the boat and began to walk on water, but then  he realised what he was doing, and his focus shifted from Jesus to the wind, and he began to sink, and cried to Jesus. Immediately, he shifted his focus from the wind back to Jesus. By shifting his focus back to Jesus, he was able to rise above the water again.

From the story I have just told, you can guess what this is about... It's about our focus!  Most times, we hear sermons about having faith that can move mountains, but we rarely hear sermons about focus. You see, for our faith to be strong, we need an equally strong focus.

What you focus on determines the strength of your faith. When Peter was focused on Jesus, he was in the realm of possibility. Everything was at his grasp. He could do whatever he wanted because his focus was on Jesus and the word of God. 

However, when he began to focus on the wind(the problems of life), he began to drown because he was no longer in the realm of possibility.  He was back to square one; anchored by the troubles he faced, which were begining to pull him down and consume him.

Our focus determines how far we go in life and how high we can jump. The minute he put his focus back on God, he was able to rise above the water despite the wind and he was back in the realm of possibility.

Instead of focusing on the  problems of life, focus on God and His word and who he is. Despite what you go through, as long as your focus is on God, you will overcome it, rise above it, and go beyond moving mountains.

The devil doesn't go after our faith. He goes after our focus because he knows without it, we are nothing. However, when we have our focus anchored on God, contentment is our bed and breakfast, joy and peace our home and possibilities our reality.


  1. This is indeed refreshing and inspiring. What you focus on determines your destiny in life. As you rightky pointed out, the devil wants people to focus on their problens rather than on Jesus who is the Alpha and Omega. What you focus on will either activate or deactivate your faith.

  2. This is so true we usually get derailed when we shift our focus from Jesus to other things but once you focus on Jesus you remain steady.
    Thank you. Well written

    1. This is an interesting piece. Focusing on Jesus allows to avoid being double-minded and helps us to remain steadfast in our faith and trust in God.


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