If Beauty is the goal, then who is the beholder?

"Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.  But you are eternity and you are the mirror" - Khalil Gibran

Shouldn't we be our own beholders?

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

In this case, does fair mean white or most beautiful?

When I stumbled upon this question, I found it to be equivocal because, for the longest time, beauty has been equated to white.

White is beautiful.  Beautiful is white.

Doesn't seem so equivocal now that I think of it. We have been subjected to society's scrutiny for some time that we would rather be beautiful than happy!

Why can't we have it both ways?

Our actions and intentions have been based on the perception of others and how people see us.  We would much rather be beautiful than intelligent.  We would much rather turn heads than turn minds.  

Why strive for beauty, when you can strive for brilliance?

Why do we care about what people think when it comes to beauty?

Why can't we just accept ourselves and the way we look? 

Why do we need approval? 

Why do we need reassurance that we are in fact beautiful and that we do pass society's standards of beauty? 

Shouldn't we just be satisfied with the way we look?

Perfect skin or acne-prone skin. Fat or skinny. Tall or short. Hair or no hair.   If Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, let us strive in being our own beholders. And not making society our beholder!

Mirror Mirror on the wall, I am the fairest of them all. As well as everyone else. Beauty is indefinable. Let's keep it that way.


  1. I love this! Well written and so true.

    1. Thank you🤗. As a society, we need to start changing the way we do things

  2. God admires what man ignores. The Lord sees not as man sees, since man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

  3. God admires what man ignores. The Lord sees not as man sees, since man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).


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