You Are The Key To Your Destiny
I thank God for where He has brought me, and where I am as a person, and the job he has given me.
However, I remember once when I was crying out to God, asking Him why I was here and why I did not deserve to be here.
Before saying what He told me, let me give you a back story...
Finally, I got a job after two years of unemployment. I finally got a JOB! It isn't the job of my dreams but it is a job, and I have had to start at the very bottom of the food chain with a salary that is next to nothing.
Nevertheless, it is a job and I'm grateful for it.
Anyways, I have this job, and I have worked for a while at the company and there have been instances where I hated the job and loved the job, depending on the situations.
Thus I went through this hate/love, hate/love tug of war until I fell into a deep sadness and I realized I was not in love with my job and I wanted more.
Give me more!
Give me more!
More pay!
A better position!
A better everything!
You know, they always say you should surround yourself with people you want to be like. However, they never tell you the downside of doing such a thing.
1) You want to be like these people so much, that you are willing to do whatever it takes. This will probably cost you your soul.
2) You forget everything, including God and you try to use your own abilities. You start to believe you can do better than God.
3) You are no longer interested in God's timeline because you have a timeline of your own. Yeah, everything is beautiful in His time, but He is taking too long.
4) You will be disappointed and frustrated and hurt people along the way.
I went through all four, and after going through all four, it took me going on my knees and asking God for mercy and why He brought me here.
I cried out to God and His words were these, "I brought you here to teach you a lesson, to teach you how to properly conduct yourself, communicate with people and handle people. At the right time, I will raise you and promote you."
His promises are yeah and Amen. Is God a man that He should Lie?
Colossians 3:23 says we should do things as onto the Lord and not as onto men.
Psalm 75:6-7 says Promotion neither comes from the east, the west and the south. But God is the judge: He puts down one and sets up another.
Isaiah 63:2 says He will make You His crown of glory and a royal diadem in His hands.
However, before Isaiah 63:2 can happen, God will first take us through a process of refinement. To refine us and prepare us and to bring us to a place of becoming.
We need to accept what God is taking us through and learn what He is teaching us before the next door of opportunity can be opened before us.
The other day, I was trying to log into my laptop and I mistakenly put the wrong key and nothing happened. When I put in the right key, it began to load.
This was God showing me that I am the key to the door before me, to bring me to my destiny/next level of my life, but before I can open the door, certain configurations must be put in place.
These configurations are the lessons God has put in place to teach us and mould us. And until we are willing to accept and learn from them, what we seek will not be found.
What we desire will be shut up to us until we have learnt what we need to learn to move on to the next level of our lives.
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