Don't Be a Giant, Be a David!
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" - Isaac Newton
Do you know the phrase, "hanging with giants or standing on the shoulders of giants?"
I hear this phrase a lot. It basically means hanging around with the big men and women of this world, with people who have made it in life.
People who are a force to be reckoned with and noticed the moment they walk into a room.
People other people fear and want to be like.
That was the case with Goliath. He was a giant from the philistine, but what people don't know is that he was a descendant of the fallen angels - half-man, half-angel
He was mean and scary and could not be defeated, and he was a force to be reckoned with. However, there was also a David. The opposite of a giant, but yet, he was God's chosen one. He was a boy who was overlooked by his own father. He was small and no one really thought of him. Yet, he stood before a giant with God by his side, ready to fight.
He hurled a stone from his sling and hit Goliath in the centre of his head, Goliath fell on his face to the ground and David cut off his head.
He became revered, he became one of the greatest kings of Isreal. He wasn't a giant that people looked up to, he was a boy that people overlooked and ignored but God chose to lead and direct Isreal. He was unique and set apart from the crowd.
Moreover, because he put his trust wholeheartedly in the Lord, he went beyond what he could ever imagine. He did not trust in the flesh or in man, he trusted in God.
You see, it's not about the size of a person's wealth or influence. It's about trusting completely in God. Because he was a man after God's heart, he was raised beyond the limit of the sky.
It doesn't matter what people think of you or how they see you, what matters is how God sees you, as He determines all things, not man. Be a David, not a Goliath, don't try to fit in, stand out. Don't try to be part of the crowd be apart from it.
When you trust in God and not in your own abilities, you can realise new heights that you thought were impossible and non-existent. You can break unbreakable barriers and overcome the things of this world.
He focused on God's Strength, not Goliath Strength. He trusted in God, not in his own abilities. He did not let the problems before him prevent him from reaching his destiny. His eyes were to the Lord, and because of that, all things were possible, he had no limitations.
A man after God's heart is a man who is standing on the shoulders of the creator, not giants.