Are you led?

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

The other day I was speaking to my mom about getting a facial on my birthday and the first thing she asked was why?

There's nothing wrong with your face. You have nice skin. Why do you want a facial?

My response: I just want to know what it's like.

The next question she asked and the statement she made after that baffled me.

She was like, did you pray about it? And I was like why would I pray about it? It's just a facial.

And then came the quote that for some reason has not been something I have dwelled on in a long time.

She said" those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God".

We then had a conversation about asking God before making decisions and leaping into things.

How many of us first ask God before we do things?

We simply make decisions and choices and expect God to follow through and accept and agree with what we have decided to do for ourselves. We live without even consulting Him or getting His opinion.

And when things don't work out, we blame that same God that we place on the back burner of our decision-making.

We leap into situations and expect God to agree, accept and be there to catch us even though at the back of our minds we know we never asked Him because we were afraid of the answer we would get.

As Christians, we are called to be like Christ and to be like Christ is to act like Christ, it is to emulate Christ in everyway possible.

One thing Christ did was pray and ask God for and about everything, always putting God first.

Therefore, if we are Christians, and we have dedicated our lives to God, He should come first before every decision, move and choice we make.

He should be our first consultant not our last. He should be the reason we do what we do. Non-negotiable!

If you are a Christian, ask God first and be led by His Spirit and not by your emotions and society. I'm also guilty of leaping into things before asking God, so I speak to myself as I write this.

In my humble opinion,  if you haven't asked God, don't do it! Period!

Life is a learning process, we will get there one step at a time!

And remember, God loves you soo much that He is interested in every aspect of your life and in everything that you do. 

No matter how small or insignificant the decisions may be, God wants to be kept in the loop always....

He is your father and you are His child. Why wouldn't He be interested?


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