By His Sprit says the Lord

 “Not by your might, nor by your power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of hosts” - Zechariah 4:6b

By His Spirit says the Lord

Nothing can be done on earth without God knowing about it because the earth is the lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1).

At the beginning of the year, God began to whisper the scripture, "not by your might, nor by your power but by my Spirit".  It's not by our understanding, but by His Spirit says the Lord.   He has the deepest places of the earth in His hands (Psalm 95:4)

Nothing can be done without Him knowing.

Absolutely Nothing!

The hearts of kings, presidents, and leaders are in His hands, and He can turn them as the rivers of waters; whichever way He wants to (Proverbs 21:1).  He is omnipresent and controls everything.

When the scripture kept coming to me, I began to ponder on it until it began to resonate with my soul.  we cannot do anything without the Spirit of God.

This is why we stress and we suffer from everything we try to do by our might, our powers, and abilities, but God is saying to us to cast our cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:2), and that it is only by His Spirit that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Nothing in life comes easy, that is why He sent His Spirit to help us, to guide us, to show us, and to comfort us.  By His Spirit, says the Lord.

You want to clean that house, but you don't have the strength?  Ask the Holy Spirit for strength, because it is by His Spirit says the Lord.

You have no money for transportation, and you need to get from point a to point b to get to that place? Ask the Holy Spirit for strength or ask God to provide the transportation, because it is by His Spirit says the Lord.

You are afraid because you don't know how the job interview will go and if you will mess it up? Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, and remembrance, and to guard your lips, and control the words that come out of your mouth, because it is by His Spirit says the Lord.

You don't know if you will ace that test or exam even though you stayed up all night studying?  Ask the Holy Spirit to take control when you start answering the questions, because it is by His Spirit says the Lord.

By His Spirit, you will get that job you have been praying for.

By His Spirit, you will get the promotion you have been promised.

By His Spirit, you will overcome.

By His Spirit, you have been redeemed

By His Spirit, you are strengthened.

By His Spirit, you have been saved.

By His Spirit, you call things that be not as though they are.

By His Spirit, you lay hands on the sick and they are healed.

By His Spirit, you can walk above your situation as Peter walked on water.

By His Spirit, signs and wonders are done in His name.

We can't go through life or achieve anything easily without Him, and when we are in Him, everything is done by His Spirit.

According to Romans 5;17, we are to reign as kings in life.  We have dominion over our lives. We are to dominate not to be dominated.  Circumstances are not to dominate us. We are to dominate circumstances. 

Poverty is not to rule and reign over us, we are to rule over poverty.  Fear is not to rule and reign over us, we are to rule and reign over fear. sickness and diseases are not to rule and reign over us, we are to rule and reign over them. However, we can only do this by the Lord of Host Spirit, because it is not by our might, not by our power, but by His Spirit says the Lord.



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