Nothing is Private anymore

Nothing is private anymore.

We are all trying to catch some attention,

so we do all that we can do to get it.

We capture all that we can capture,

to get the attention we desire, 

and call it fame. 

Fame or being liked?

Then we pretend to look perplexed and taken off guard and say it is life.

Nothing seems private anymore.

Privacy is a thing of the past. 

An old word for an old world.

Nothing is private anymore.

We want to be known… known for something. 

Whatever it may be to make that little money or rather just be noticed.

For our opinions to be heard, or so we say to ourselves.

So we try to come up with new ways of doing things, whether they may be intelligent or daft.

We just want to be recognized for whatever.

We are all looking for an easy way out. 

To inspire and be poetic in whichever way we can.

But when we try, we find that it's difficult to attain. 

And authenticity is a price that not everyone can afford.

So we do anything we can to attain it.

Forgetting who we are and the values we were raised on.

Bringing the world into our homes just so we can go viral and be admired.

While at the same time appeasing our addiction.

Attention addiction?

Posting addiction?

A form of gratification.

We are fame eaters and attention seekers waiting for our next bait…


  1. Hmmm. That is today's generation!

  2. Thought provoking as usual and represents the attitude of the young people of this generation. Concerning too

    1. Very Concerning and it is only getting worse. Thank you

  3. Na so oh, nothing is private anymore. We expose things that meant to be private for the sake of "trend" and not being clear OLD SCHOOL


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