
The Positive thinking movement is a scam

  Failures are not meant to be ignored or erased, they are to be acknowledged. This sets you apart from the rest.     Acknowledging and overcoming not ignoring and achieving. We all at some point get to a place of disappointment and instead of avoiding the place by pretending it never happened or thinking happy thoughts, we should face it head-on and give it its rightful place.  I was listening to a song by D'Amelio which ironically is titled Be happy but is about being comfortable and okay in your sadness.      The Chorus goes, " sometimes I don't want to be happy, don't hold it against me. If I'm down just leave me and let me be sad.  Sometimes I just want to be lonely. Don't need you to hold me. If I'm low you don't need to care. Just let me be sad. What's the matter with that ." What's the matter with sadness? As LL Martin once said, " negative emotions like pain and hurt can actually be constructive. Motivating us to make importan...

Love is as strong as death

Song of Solomon 8:6b-7  for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.   7) Many  waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned. When I first stumbled upon this verse,  I was shocked to see such a comparison of love to death. Never had I ever seen such a thing. Whenever people speak of love, 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8 is always referred to or it is said that love is a verb and not a feeling or that it is a state of mind. I saw a whole new meaning to the word love and what it means and I finally understood God's love for us. Love in this sense has no cure. It is like death! When you die, you are dead. Nothing can bring you back to life except Christ.  Death has completely taken over and there is no coming back from it. You are immovable, and you remain untouched by the thing...

If Beauty is the goal, then who is the beholder?

"Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.  But you are eternity and you are the mirror" - Khalil Gibran Shouldn't we be our own beholders? Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? In this case, does fair mean white or most beautiful? When I stumbled upon this question, I found it to be equivocal because, for the longest time, beauty has been equated to white. White is beautiful.  Beautiful is white. Doesn't seem so equivocal now that I think of it. We have been subjected to society's scrutiny for some time that we would rather be beautiful than happy! Why can't we have it both ways? Our actions and intentions have been based on the perception of others and how people see us.  We would much rather be beautiful than intelligent.  We would much rather turn heads than turn minds.   Why strive for beauty, when you can strive for brilliance? Why do we care about what people think when it comes to beauty? Why can't we just accept ourselv...

Is Christianity a place or the name of a religion?

Have you ever wondered about Christianity and what it entails? Is it the name of a religion or type of faith? What is expected of us Christians who are determined to please God at all costs? Christianity is not hard when we are focused. When our gaze starts to shift from God to the world, that is when things become hard.  I remember two years ago when I was lying in bed and decided to ask God a question.  I asked Him about Christianity and what it entails. This is what I received......  Christianity is like a place, a country, and its citizens are called Christians.  It is similar to any other country like America, Nigeria, or France.  To get to the place, you need the appropriate documents such as a visa and a plane ticket that will grant you passage. The visa and plane ticket represent your salvation.  Once these documents have been obtained, your journey to the land of Christianity begins.   When you get to the place, you realize that you are f...

The fault is in Us

Shakespeare was right when he said that the fault is not in our stars but in us. The fault is indeed in us.  We are the problem.  And instead of us taking responsibility for our own actions, we choose to shift that responsibility to "fate".  An invincible force that supposedly determines the steps of human life..   This is what we refer to as our stars!  I believe in God and I believe He directs our steps when we choose His will and His way.  But most times, we tend to use the concept of free will to argue ourselves out of holes we used our own hands to dig ourselves into.   Look at the children of today! They are growing up with no role models, protection, or direction.  They are growing up in a world that has been perverted.  A world where some people want to consider pedophilia as a sexual trait instead of a crime.  Free will and the freedom to do as one pleases has been taken so much out of context, that people commit crime...

What is Romance/Love all about

  I want to broach on the subject of romance a little bit. I want to talk about it, explore it, and know what it means to be romantically involved with another person.  Does your body have to respond a certain way? Or are you just calm and sure about what you want?  Is it about dates or outings or getting to know one another? What does it mean to be romantic? Are you in a kind of love dance? What is it? What should it be? What does it entail? Is it another name for love? Or perhaps a relative of love? Can one be without the other or are they both needed for two humans to come together in matrimony?  Romance.......what exactly does it entail? Why are two people who have chosen to come together said to be romantically involved? Why not lovingly involved?  From what I have gathered from Merriam Webster, the word romance derives from the old French vernacular Romanus, meaning rome or roman.  This word was often used to narrate the chronicle adventures of knight...

How to stop damaging your life!

  The moment you see demons or start to see demons, that is when you realize that nothing is as it seems.  This is when you realize the spirituality of life.  Words are spiritual and what you speak into your life will become.  This is why we humans have to be careful about what we say to and about ourselves. I have seen how my words and thoughts have affected me in the past. There is no going back once the deed is done.  Once the words have been spoken, your life becomes signed, sealed and delivered.  The minute these words are spoken, they are created in the spiritual, then manifested eventually in the physical.  We can't just say things because of feelings.  We must say things because of purpose.  We must speak words with meaning and with purpose and not speaking them because that is what everyone is doing.  Word are not trends!  They have life and death in them. They have the power to create, and that creation can either lead to ...

True repentance

  True repentance brings you to a place of deliverance and healing. Of wholeness and longing. Of growth and becoming. True repentance brings you to a place of freedom and peace. Of acceptance and completeness. Of sacrifice and yet blessings. True repentance brings you to a place of eyes being opened, ears being opened and communication with Christ.  True repentance brings you to a place of love, answered prayers and unity with Christ. And taking a complete 180 degree turn away from sin and towards Christ Jesus.  - By Robor.M


 "I love destinies! It is amazing how God can use one door to bring about many opportunities and possibilities.  Trust in the destiny God has for you." - By Kayinsola 


 "Confidence is the best form of beauty. The minute you become confident, you become unstoppable. Embrace everything that you are and meant to be.". - Robor. M